Migration and Education Consultants

75 Osborn Terrace , Plympton, Adelaide South Australia, Adelaide, 5038

Have you just finished your graduation from an Australian educational organization but do not want to come back to your home country right now? Well, for students like you, the Australian Government has considered a separate visa. This visa is calling the Temporary Graduate Visa Subclass 485. If decided, you can live in Australia for a few more years and grow substantial experience to enhance your career.


There Are Two Streams under This 485 Visa Australia---

Graduate Work Stream---
If you have a graduate diploma in a course related to a skilled profession with high demand in the Australian segment, you can apply to this stream. Graduate Work Stream permits an international student to live and work in Australia for one and a half years. For this stream, the preferred skilled profession should be present on the proper skilled career list.


Post-Study Work Stream---
For this Graduate Visa 485 stream, you must have graduated from a campus with an Australian degree (bachelor, master, or Doctorate). Post-Study Work Stream will permit you to survive and work for 2 to 4 years in Australia. The phase of reside will depend on your qualification. Having a bachelor’s degree will help you stay for 2 years; while a doctorate will assist you stay for 4 years.


The Latest Changes in Temporary Graduate Visa 485----

Currently, some changes have been made by the Australian Department of Home Affairs. If an international student with a bachelor’s or master’s degree resides in any regional area of Australia with the Temporary Graduate Visa 485, the staying period is now 4 years. But keep in mind, this protocol concerns to only those who are staying in a regional region.

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