Northern Suburbs Pet Chalet

156 Neaves Road, Wanneroo, WA 6065
08 9405 3100

Northern Suburbs Pet Chalet is a dog boarding kennel service located in the northern suburbs of Perth. Owned and managed by Terry and Sue, Northern Suburbs Pet Chalet is five minutes by car from Wanneroo & Joondalup. Terry and Sue have many years of experience in breeding, showing and boarding animals.

Northern Suburbs Pet Chalet is a dog boarding kennel service located in the northern suburbs of Perth. The company is fully licensed to provide residential pet care, and observes a strict code of conduct based on best practice in handling animals. Northern Suburbs Pet Chalet is owned and managed by Terry and Sue, Northern Suburbs Pet Chalet is five minutes by car from Wanneroo & Joondalup. Terry and Sue live on the premises, providing 24 hour, seven days per week care, and have many years of experience in breeding, showing and boarding animals. All pets boarded at Northern Suburbs Pet Chalet are exercised and receive individual recreational attention twice per day.
To avoid the risk of injury resulting from mixing incompatible individual dogs, they are not mixed. However the dogs are able to socialise through the safety of a wire mesh fence. Northern Suburbs Pet Chalet offers country walks on a lead at the rate of $25 per half hour.
Special provision is made for small dogs in a segregated small dog facility, in which dogs have their own play facilities separate from the larger dogs.
All dogs leave Northern Suburbs Pet Chalet clean, regardless of the duration of stay. Dogs staying over 7 days are bathed and groomed free of charge. Baths are available for shorter stays on request, at a cost of $15.

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