AMK Dental

Shop 3, 46 Tennyson Road, Mortlake, NSW 2137
02 9739 6525
Ali Khaless

AMK Dental Clinic is based in Breakfast Point and provide cosmetic, restorative dentistry, dental check-ups and children’s dentistry for patients in Breakfast Point, Breakfast point, Rhodes, Concord and Putney.

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AMK Dental in Breakfast Point
appointment. We support busy families by opening our practice on Saturdays! At AMK Dental Clinic, we ...
Cosmetic Dentistry in Mortlake NSW
AMK Dental Clinic is based in Breakfast Point and provide cosmetic, restorative dentistry, dental ...
dentist in Breakfast Point NSW
AMK Dental Clinic are based in Breakfast Point and provide cosmetic, restorative dentistry, dental ...