Benjamin & Leonardo Criminal Defence Lawyers

1/162 Goulburn St,, Surry Hills, NSW 2010
(02) 9283 3033
Leonardo Premutico

Benjamin & Leonardo Criminal Defence lawyers have extensive experience in defending a range of criminal charges including drink driving, robbery, assault, drug supply/possession, fraud, murder, firearm offences, bail applications and extradition proceedings. Our Lawyers can also assist in any appeal/application related cases such as licence appeals, severity and conviction appeals and mental health applications. We invite you to contact us for a free consultation. With a speciality in drink driving cases, Benjamin & Leonardo have a track record of getting great results for clients who have allegedly operated a motor vehicle whilst under the influence of Alcohol or other substances.If you find yourself in a tricky legal situation, don’t hesitate to contact Benjamin & Leonardo. We offer a free initial consultation to assess your case and the best course of action.

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