Course term endeavoring
my glad I did the experiment fuck I
learned a lot what I write what I ever do it again no would not know I don't
think it's worth it was actually really pay is apian in my off the shooting everything I did doing
everything I did I was going to come in like 15 to 20 pounds heavier would like
a few months of season so I mean deftly the games were there I'm I don’t know
about going beyond conditions conquer but all going to be allot lot warlock lot
bigger are definitely be my physique from Kantor it's all about improving guys
you know his trial in there you know if you work your body one coach maybe like
unlike parent like a high a high-crab nope not water protein 90day plan with a
high-fat low-crab high-protein you use me gottaknow what works for you and then
pick because you feel comfortable with and then let him you learn your body
because yak keeper of the new goes your own diet by pre-caucus one commeasure-caucus
guys you meet somebody