Psychology Services AU - Relationship Room
The Relationship Room is an anti-bias group of psychologists who welcome working with diverse individuals and couples. Couples psychology at the Relationship Room is provided by registered psychologists and psychotherapists with extensive experience and training in working with both couples and individuals. At the Relationship Room, our couples counsellors support couples in working through the range of issues arising in relationships including infidelity, trust issues, difficulty with communication and conflict, life transitions, parenting and infertility and also in making big choices about relationships and working through separations where necessary. Our approach to working with couples is practical and dyadic, meaning that the work happens between the couple. Research shows that there are many facets to strong relationships and our relationship counsellors work through a process of assessing the relationship with the couple and targeting practical interventions at problem areas. This approach acknowledges that each relationship is different and ensures that counselling targets the most crucial areas first, often around conflict, but it also ensures that the areas of the relationship associated with growth and connectedness are also addressed. We recognise that while helping couples to do conflict well is crucial, having good conflict management skills is not enough to make a strong relationship and we are also able to support couples in coming to understand and connect with one another in meaningful ways and create strong, resilient family units.
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