Bowen Hills Psychology

18/7 O’Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills, QLD 4006
(07) 3252 7114
(07) 3252 7114

Anger is a normal and healthy human emotion which we all experience. 

What isn’t healthy is when our anger turns into what seems to be an uncontrollable rage – it is in this scenario where anger management is advised.

People often become angry and enraged as a defence mechanism when they feel they have been wronged. It can also be used to cover up core emotions such as fear, hurt, sadness or any other emotions that would make someone feel open and vulnerable if shown. For many, displaying anger or aggression is the only way to be taken seriously, be heard/seen or to end conflict.

Whilst, for some, to get angry seems like the natural response to difficulty, it is not actually a reflex emotion and is therefore a decision. Through anger management sessions, we are able to provide individuals with the tools to be able to express themselves effectively without flying into rage.

Bowen Hills Psychology provide you with the tools to look at anger and the situations that invoke rage from various perspectives, identify what triggers anger and ways to manage it, control it, and utilise other methods for dealing with conflict.

Arguments or conflict is normal in any relationship, but when one or more persons have issues with managing their anger, even small disagreements can blow out into destructive conflicts.

The purpose of arguing in a relationship is to resolve misunderstandings, not to win or to avoid being defeated.

By clearing up these misunderstandings that arise during arguments, it allows us to create a closer and more united relationship with our partners but when anger management issues arise, there is often toxicity where on blames the other, even going off topic to do so, getting personal or even violence in extreme circumstances.

Bowen Hills Psychology are able to provide you the tools to “fight fair” and to be able to go endure conflicts with your partner in a healthy and constructive manner that will benefit both parties and create the foundations for a stronger, long lasting relationship.

Anger can not only be destructive to personal relationships, but our professional ones too.

There are a lot of triggers for anger in a workplace, even when not faced with issues with anger management.

Interactions from colleges or superiors can often feel demeaning and that we’re being targeted which will naturally trigger feelings of anger. This is normal, but it’s how we deal with these situations that count.

Expressing anger intensely or aggressively can quickly result in workplace alienation, discipline or even dismissal.

When only having one perspective, our own, it’s difficult to see fault in our own actions and that we’re unfairly treated by those around us which only adds fuel to the fire and makes it difficult to hold down a job for long.

Bowen Hills Psychology will assist you in learning about the perspectives of others, why they would react in such a way to certain situations and how best to react whilst staying in control of your anger.

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