a year we head over to get our car serviced, every couple of months we
stock take our wardrobes and retire old clothing, ever few weeks or so
we treat ourselves to a beauty treatment, while every day we go through a
routine to keep our bodies healthy. Why is it, that in almost every
aspect of our life we realise that components require regular upkeep and
care to continue functioning optimally? However, when it comes to
relationships, we somehow expect it to be smooth sailing.
Studies have shown,
that relationship counselling highly depends on the individual
characteristics of the couple, mental health conditions, and more,
overall results are extremely varied.
Relationships are not always easy
are one of the hardest things you will ever do in your life. This is
because two people with complex back stories, triggers, histories,
baggage, reactions, preferences, habits, and upbringings are suddenly
intertwined and expected to get along swimmingly. Each relationship is
unique, and a look at relationship statistics in Australia shows
how diverse couples are, from age range, religion, lengths of
relationships, and divorces. Whether it is the propaganda sold to us
through pop culture, or the fairy tales and their happily ever after, we
often ignore the reality that relationships are challenging.