3 Minute Angels
Suite 2, 99 Jones St Ultimo, Sydney, NSW 2007
1300 662 022
Jennylyn Saavedra
If you are looking for a way to give your staff a lift without unnecessary disruption to your workplace, a visit from the Angels may be the prefect way to achieve that.
Offering massages at your next event or promotion is a way you can keep the energy and the vibe buzzing.
3 Minute Angels is Australia's largest corporate and event massage company, with over 3,000,000 Halo Massages being shared by our Angels since 2002. Our trademark Halo Massage is a five-minute seated neck and shoulder massage. It targets the areas where we hold stress and it also feels really good!
1.00 out of 5 from 1 reviews
Date: 18/05/2016
Bonjour et merci pour ce test étarnge... Je suis à 22% Phoebe, Joey et Ross et à 11% Rachel, Chandler et Monica. Je suis vraiment un mixe de tout :-D . Dans tous les cas je croise les doigts pour le pack et je vous souhaite une bonne journée.