That Sugar Movement
Sugar Movement is a profit-for-purpose organisation committed to helping
individuals live and feel better through a balanced lifestyle and eating
habits, the result of resounding support for That Sugar Film across more than
20 countries around the world. Whilst not a governing body or industry association, That Sugar Movement is recognised as a leading advocate for healthy eating and a global platform for development and sharing of techniques, tools and the need for change. That Sugar Movement believes a multifaceted approach is necessary to change behavior, including public policy initiatives, funding into diagnosis and treatment of obesity and knowledge to make good choices within our environment. It is the latter where we can make a difference, by giving people the tools to identify where sugar exists, and the techniques to create sustainable lifestyle changes, so they are empowered to help themselves and those around them. The mission of That Sugar Movement is to forever change the way we think about “healthy” food, founded by Damon Gameau as writer and director of That Sugar Film and now boasts a community of more than 400,000 people wanting to live and feel better through balanced eating. |
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