Dr Louise Mahler

51 Rayner Court, Yarra Junction, VIC 3797
1300 374 889
Dr. Louise Mahler

Dr Louise Mahler is a dynamic leadership influencer. As a motivator, challenger, disrupter, teacher and innovator many say she is one of the most exciting female speakers on the global stage today.

Her entertaining, interactive and highly practical methods revolutionise the way business leaders influence.

What sets her apart is her winning mix of body language, vocal intelligence and mental patterning to coach executives to deal with difficult, and often hostile, daily scenarios such as stressful boardroom confrontations, media interviews and staff interaction.

Not only are there outstanding results, but participants say how they feel ‘released’ and ‘in control’ and all this from a journey peppered with large doses of wit, sparkle and humour. People leave her sessions energized and transformed.

Louise brings together the worlds of business and opera in a pioneering combination – a former opera singer with the Vienna State Opera, highly qualified in music, she changed tack to become a business heavy weight with a PhD in business, Bachelor of Economics, Master of Applied Management in Service Management and Innovation, and Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Her achievements showcase a litany of success from her academic work including her PhD (awarded two outstanding recommendations), her University's business award for innovation, as well as her professional work as the author of Resonate (Penguin).

She is a highly sought-after media commentator on leadership, body language and effective presentation with regular appearances on TV, radio and print. She has a series of videos on the Australian Financial Review website and she has a global social media following.
Her local and international (US, UK and Europe) keynotes and workshops for professionals are highly sought-after and acclaimed. She was chosen by IBM as a key creative source world-wide, and her high-stakes engagement retreats for leaders at health resorts worldwide are unique.

Louise is an inspiring leadership influencer and proven performer in moving leaders and groups to take positive action and resonate with success.

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