Curvy Chic Sports
After a number of larger friends complained about how hard it was to find attractive, on trend, comfortable sportswear with feminine touches we jumped into the market. Instead of creating apparel for our existing market, we leaped feet first into the world of swimwear and gymwear under the brand name Curvy Chic Sports in 2011.
We believe that everyone has the right to feel good about themselves. Looking good and being comfortable in what you are wearing goes along way towards how you are feeling. Feeling good about yourself makes life easier - road blocks become speed humps and speed humps become pebbles on the road. We take concepts from on trend garments and alter them so that they flatter the fuller figure while still retaining the in fashion look. We add touches so that they are more practical for people who are busy and need clothes that multitask with them. Quality and fabric are really important to us. See though leggings make us cringe, so do fabrics that retain odour after washing! We use old fashioned techniques not normally seen on sportswear (such as darts) to make things more shapely and fit better.
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