Kalamunda Wellness Chiropractic
Kalamunda Wellness Chiropractic is a chiropractor practice based in Kalamunda, Perth. We offer whole person individual chiropractic treatment with a holistic approach from your first visit, for anything related to low back, neck, ribs, hip, knee, ankle, foot, shoulder, elbow, wrist, jaw & pelvis, headaches, whiplash, disc injuries, rehabilitation of joints, muscles & ligaments, sports injuries, as well as maintenance care. We also offer chiropractic treatment to help with pregnancy and babies. We also offer Body scans using our state of the art Evolt 360 Body Scanner. We service patients from all over Perth, including Gooseberry Hill, Walliston, Lesmurdie, Orange Grove, Kenwick, Welshpool, Cannington and all surrounding suburbs.