Youngcare Sydney

Level 63, MLC Centre, 19-29 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000
1300 968 642
07 3041 3400

Formed in 2005, Youngcare is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to raise awareness and funds to provide more appropriate accommodation options for young people with high care needs. With an estimated 7,500 young Australians currently living in aged care nursing homes, and limited alternatives available, Youngcare set out to build Australia’s first age-appropriate facility. In December 2007, Youngcare’s first apartments opened in Brisbane. Since then apartments have also been built on the Gold Coast, and are soon to be built in Sydney. One of the major causes of young people needing high level care is acquired brain injury, often the result of a motor vehicle accident. In 2010 Youngcare introduced a new support service called Youngcare Connect – a dedicated support line for people in desperate need of disability information and advice. For information, advice and support call Youngcare Connect on 1300 844 727. Youngcare’s work includes also: Lobbying Government to drive policy change and systems reform Providing At Home Care Grants so young people wishing to be cared for at home can receive the equipment, home modifications or respite they need Building Youngcare housing to provide age appropriate care and accommodation Undertaking Research to more comprehensively understand the issues faced in care options Raising awareness of the issue and securing support to fund their work Find out more about Youngcare and its life-changing work at

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