Anywhere, Anytime in Australia Karen Kilner Celebrant - Funerals, Marriage Celebrant Mandurah,

Dudley Park 6210, Dudley Park, WA 6210
Karen Kilner

EVERYONE LOVES A WEDDING!! They are such joyeous occasions, filled with the beautiful sight of two people in love, and guaranteed to be followed by a party! For the Happy Couple, the day usually starts out fraught with nerves, desperately hoping that the day will progress as forseen in all the previous months of planning, and will establish itself into their PERFECT DAY. Here’s where I come in, because whether you are a Prince or a Pauper, in order to be legally wed – you all have to take the same vows. The rest of the ceremony and the day can be conducted in whichever way you please. It can range anywhere from an elaborate affair with lots of pomp and ceremony, to simply two souls, standing in a quiet space, pledging before two witnesses, to spend the rest of their lives together. Whatever your choice of ceremony, I will craft it with you and ensure that at the end of the day you will be legally bound together for life.

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