Creating Beautiful Ceremonies
- A meeting with no charge and no obligation for you to assess if I am the celebrant for you
- As many meetings as needed to ensure a perfect ceremony
- On-site wedding rehearsal
- As many telephone calls and emails as required
- Four sample Wedding Ceremonies, as a ceremony guide outlining format and readings as well as legal requirements
- Personally written ceremony and vows of your choice
- Completion and lodgement of necessary and legal documents
- Appropriate grooming and dressing for the ceremony
- A presentation copy of the ceremony for the bride and groom
- My guarantee that I will perform only your wedding on the day, as your day is my priority
- The use of my P.A. system if required
- The use of my P.A. system with your Ipod for music to be played through the ceremony
- The use of a table and cloth and two chairs if required for the signing of the register
- My commitment to you that I will work with you to create a beautiful ceremony and one I want you to be able to treasure
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