Newcastle Creative Carpet Repair

7015 121 Pl SE, Newcastle, WA 98056, Badgin, WA
(800) 656-9862

When you have a carpet repair problem, we have the solution. Save thousands of dollars by repairing your carpet instead of replacing it.

We specialize in:
Carpet Repair
Carpet Stretching
Carpet Patching
Pet Damaged Carpet
Carpet Burns
Carpet Ink Stains
Carpet Urine Removal
Carpet Hookah Burns
Berber Carpet Repair
Carpet to Tile Transitions
Miscellaneous Carpet Repair Solutions
Carpet Seam Repairs
Commercial Carpet Repair
Flood Damaged Carpet
Slab Leak Carpet Repair
Stairs Carpet Repair
Yacht Carpet Repair

You will be pleasantly surprised with the results.

5 out of 5 from 1 reviews

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