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fallout canada'sthree other times normal him significant background radiation but we could be nine thousand back calls they don't tell your numbers but three hundred times background radiation which could be nine thousand Merkel's three hundred times really cut League of California forty million Decals Striction BP in a single beta kelp well I don’t 131 which came from a meltdown Fukushima no one did noise debtor debate deaths were doing joins coming from is found in your milk all the way across the country think we cover last night and when 80 the 18 Environmental Protection Agency's and radiation monitors show high levels whose daughter Polly broken are going to have to take on the never put him back rate it was a national security alert national security issue a more your comment can talk about it they turn it into a national security issue will so you could know so you could know a new paid ended tell you chilling today all universities he too light to professors wages like a given billions and billions and billions Canada $35 billion a year and 4800 peer review academic studies are locked up every freaking day and the copyright to give into else for Springer Worley half problem and their two best ones and you ‘relocked away he