CDR Report Ideal Length for Engineers

Melbourne Vic, Melbourne, VIC 3000

What should be the length of the CDR report for your Skill Assessment?

Skill assessment for graduates wishing to move to Australia for permanent residency. Engineers Australia, an official body in charge of encouraging qualified migrants to work in Australia with more employment opportunities, conducts competence assessments. Engineering graduates completing their academic degrees via accredited universities do not require to submit a CDR report. However, this report will be required for candidates who have acquired their degree from a University not accredited to the Accord. 

Our CDR writers have years of experience with the preparation of Competency Demonstration Reports (CDRs). We understand how crucial it is for engineers to write their reports to move to Australia. Skilled Migrants are welcomed heartily to enter Australia. The CDR report assesses the applicant's knowledge and abilities.

We come across many applicants whose CDR report has been denied. One of the primary causes is a failure to follow Engineers Australia's MSA guidelines. Another reason may be due to incomplete document submission. Applicants will become upset since they will be unsure what to do next. Our specialists can advise you on what steps to take next to get you back on track.

Coming to the most important part, each part of your CDR report should be confined within the length as mentioned in the EA rules. Here we have described some crucial points you need to follow along with the total words maintained in each section of the CDR report. 

Career Episode

A complete CDR report comprises three career episodes, each with different project report topics. Career Episodes highlights your engineering experience both academically and professionally. Each of your career episodes should concentrate on a different aspect of your engineering work. In addition, you must provide information on how you applied for your engineering intellectual capabilities in the specified occupation.

Format of career episode and the total length required


The introduction to the career episode should be around 150 words long. This section should be written in detail, emphasizing the company's name, the start and finish dates of your career episode and the place where you obtained your expertise.


This section should be between 200 and 500 words long. In this section, you must explain all of your engineering work from the prior year. In addition, you must clearly state the objectives, nature of the work area, corporate workflow chart, job description, and list of responsibilities done.

Personal engineering activity

This section should have a total word count of 600-1500. This is the part where all your engineering works done to date is to be listed. From the tasks you were assigned to their completion and the techniques you utilized to develop a viable solution. You do not have to include your teammates and their contribution because this report concentrates on your engineering experience.


This is the final part of your career episode report, which should be between 50 and 150 words long. It summarizes the overall work done, your thoughts on the project, and the roles you served.

Continuing professional development (CPD)

CPD will assist you with staying updated with the new advances in the field of engineering. The CPD report should be presented in the form of a table and should include every aspect of your postgraduate education and additional information. This part should be around 1500 words long and should not take up more than one A4 sheet of paper. As a result, to satisfy the specific standards, you must be accurate and precise while writing your CPD.

Summary Statement

The Summary Statement is a summary of all three of your career episodes. This part should be around 1500 words long in total. Your competency aspects will be cross-referenced with your career episodes in the summary statement. For your stated occupation, a summary statement form is readily available. You are not required to limit your summary statement to one page. However, please make sure that it covers every aspect of your career episode. In addition, you need to write one summary statement for each of your three career episodes.

In all, your CDR report will be around 6000-6800 words long. If you are not confused about where to begin, we suggest that you seek expert assistance. Because our specialists are already acquainted with the CDR report, you can entirely rely on our assistance. We are one of the top CDR report writers in Australia. We will assist you through the entire process until you receive a successful outcome.

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