Premium Private Wealth

11/320 Adelaide Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000
1800 095 288
Clare Katavich

Private Wealth investors know the advantages of Queensland property investment and also the fantastic opportunities that exist so far as investment property within Australia. We assist clients establish affordable and also profitable ventures by studying and finding wholesale property.

1.09 out of 5 from 46 reviews
rating 1/5 Date: 28/06/2024
I regret being sucked into the sales pitch. The properties I bought through them just over 10 years ago have had zero growth, the way my loans were structured ended up costing more money and despite repeated requests to help sort out that mess, all they were interested in was selling me another property - they are dodgy real estate agents and money scammers. I could just as well have thrown the hefty ‘client for life’ fee down the toilet.
rating 1/5 Date: 05/06/2024
I can't believe these guys they have ripped people off for years. I started with them long ago I got sucked into a property which was yes great for tax benefits but they make there money then and there. Selling high priced properly. I was young and dumb and got sucked in. They take advantage of people with truth but at a cost of your money. I can't believe they are still at it after so long. I guess they are not doing nothing wrong if people are willing to sign for it. Bunch of sharks I hope that this company will close. Can wait for the day. I was lucky that I realized when they called me up to buy another and tried to sell it to me for over a 100k more then what I could buy privately. Every house they showed me was like that I did my research on my phone as they were showing me these homes and came to the conclusion that they were making cash on the spot. Avoid avoid avoid
rating 1/5 Date: 09/03/2020
I worked for this group and they sacked me after a week because I wasn't meeting their standard KPI. It's literally impossible to hit a KPI when the company is running a scam. Also they would fire people every day and bring in new workers constantly
rating 1/5 Date: 30/10/2019
Total scum don't deal with them
rating 1/5 Date: 07/10/2019
Once they have your money you wont hear from them again unless its to sell you more "Investment Properties". Save yourself the time stress and worry about dealing with this company. They are just after your hard earned dollars
rating 1/5 Date: 09/09/2019
Premium Finance to Premium Private Wealth (Joke in itself) now Premium Group of Companies. Just keep changing the names to keep people fooled its a new company, same worthless real estate in Queensland, don't be fooled.
rating 1/5 Date: 28/08/2019
I wonder how many people are regretting getting involved with this company
rating 1/5 Date: 14/08/2019
Do not do not do not, have anything to do with these people, I can't retire as I'm paying off a loan for a property I don't even own anymore after I sold at a major loss, these pricks put another loan against my own house which I was told wouldn't happen, bunch of lying theiving pricks
rating 1/5 Date: 11/07/2019
If anyone doubts what people are saying here do a check on and see what properties in Queensland are selling for as opposed to what they were purchased for 7 or 8 years ago. The Qld market is dead flat and has been for over 10 years yet these scum are selling properties at least $60K more than market value, that's where they make their money at your expense. That should settled any arguments on dealing with these pricks.
rating 1/5 Date: 11/07/2019
What a load of shit that statement up the top is : "We assist clients establish affordable and profitable ventures" If it wasn't for getting involved with these pricks in the first place Id have my mortgage paid off by now and not saddled with extra debt after selling the unit I bought off them at a major loss, way overpriced and unaffordable. So much for making any private wealth. These bastards should burn in hell.
rating 1/5 Date: 11/07/2019
High pressure salesmen selling overpriced properties that you will lose money on when you try to sell it years later. They will max out your financial capabilities and leave you in massive debt. DO NOT DEAL WITH THESE PEOPLE
rating 1/5 Date: 10/07/2019
Looks like I'm not the only one that got ripped off either, would love to meet up with the conman salesperson I dealt with but surprise surprise he no longer works, piece of shi$.
rating 1/5 Date: 10/07/2019
I don`t know how these scumbags have got away with this scam for so long. We were also unfortunate enough to have been conned into investing into a complex on the Sunshine Coast 6 years ago by these grubs. The property is worth $50k less than what we paid for it. So much for the speel about doubling in value in 10 years.As for the guy that has bought 4 properties thru them, this tool is more than likely the boss of them.
rating 1/5 Date: 10/07/2019
I don`t know how these scumbags have got away with this scam for so long. We were also unfortunate enough to have been conned into investing into a complex on the Sunshine Coast 6 years ago by these grubs. The property is worth $50k less than what we paid for it. So much for the speel about doubling in value in 10 years.As for the guy that has bought 4 properties thru them, this tool is more than likely the boss of them.
rating 1/5 Date: 02/07/2019
I got sold a dud property too, lost tens of thousands of dollars Im so angry as I got sweet talked into the property deal. It all seemed so up front and good. If it sounds to good to be true it usually is. Im just amazed these pricks can do this to people and get away with it. Where is the consumer protection????? Big costly learning lesson for me too. Do not have anything to do with these people. Ive done my research as well. Wish I was more diligent before I let them con me.
rating 1/5 Date: 27/06/2019
This company has taken down its Facebook page as there were so many adverse comments about it. The truth must hurt. Let this be a warning
rating 1/5 Date: 06/06/2019
Another Brisbane based company selling Queensland properties. The Queensland property market has been flat for over 10 years. The only way these companies make money is to sell over priced real estate to unsuspecting investors from interstate. There are plenty of reviews on this company and other just like it and they all tell the same story. People losing money on overpriced real estate in Queensland. You are better off buying lotto tickets as the chances of winning are greater than making a profit from this type of scam. Buyers beware
rating 1/5 Date: 05/06/2019
Wow just read the reviews, how do these people get away with this.
rating 1/5 Date: 11/05/2019
Absolute disaster, bought an off the plan property which turned out to be a disaster. Finally sold it at a $70k loss, how is this making any private wealth????? DO NOT DEAL WITH THESE PEOPLE, THEY DO NOT HAVE YOUR INTERESTS AT HEART, JUST LOW LIFE REAL ESTATE AGENTS
rating 1/5 Date: 01/05/2019
Are these people still in business? They should be in jail for what they do to their so called clients. Don't go near them, you'll be sorry if you ever get involved with these bastards
rating 1/5 Date: 22/04/2019
Got a facebook message from someone who is now an investigative reporter who had actually applied for and got a job at PPW late last year, but she turned the job down when she learned that she would be encouraging people to take on debt for properties in low socio economic areas. Basically, the properties were never going to turn over a profit. This is what these people sell. I was contacted as she had read the critical reviews on this company and wanted to ask further questions.
rating 1/5 Date: 22/04/2019
Got a facebook message from someone who is now an investigative reporter who had actually applied for and got a job at PPW late last year, but she turned the job down when she learned that she would be encouraging people to take on debt for properties in low socio economic areas. Basically, the properties were never going to turn over a profit. This is what these people sell. I was contacted as she had read the critical reviews on this company and wanted to ask further questions.
rating 1/5 Date: 22/04/2019
Got a facebook message from someone who is now an investigative reporter who had actually applied for and got a job at PPW late last year, but she turned the job down when she learned that she would be encouraging people to take on debt for properties in low socio economic areas. Basically, the properties were never going to turn over a profit. This is what these people sell. I was contacted as she had read the critical reviews on this company and wanted to ask further questions.
rating 1/5 Date: 22/04/2019
Got a facebook message from someone who is now an investigative reporter who had actually applied for and got a job at PPW late last year, but she turned the job down when she learned that she would be encouraging people to take on debt for properties in low socio economic areas. Basically, the properties were never going to turn over a profit. This is what these people sell. I was contacted as she had read the critical reviews on this company and wanted to ask further questions.
rating 1/5 Date: 10/04/2019
These people ruined my financial future with stitching me up with a so called investment property on the sunshine coast. Sold it at a massive loss and that was before the property market crash. Now Im working longer and stressing every day trying to pay back the massive debt I was left in. They don't give a stuff, they are just interested in conning people into buying worthless overpriced real estate in the Brisbane and Se Queensland areas. DO NOT deal with these people.
rating 1/5 Date: 04/04/2019
What a joke these people are. I went along after a phone call to buy an investment property. After the hard sell I was told based on the figures it would only cost me $40 per week, the rent would cover the loan repayments. I was dubious, if it sounds too good to be true it usually is. The real figure was more like $130 per week, they left out council rates body corp fees, water rates and even the cost of landlord insurance. Don't deal with people who tell blatant lies. I told them I wanted their figures checked independently by someone for me and not rely on what they were quoting me, that got the salespersons back up straight away. That was my warning sign. Walk away from premium and save your money.
rating 1/5 Date: 07/03/2019
A big Thanks to all the people who reviewed this company. I agreed to go meet them after being cold called as well. When I decided to do some research first I was horrified what I read. I contacted them and told them I was no longer interested after reading the reviews. Funny, but the person I spoke to didn't even try to defend them or even rebut the comments made about them. Silence speaks volumes. Stay away from these dudes.
rating 1/5 Date: 21/02/2019
If you have dealt with premium private wealth and got ripped off contact Maurice Blackburn Solicitors. They are starting a class action against Westpac who is one of the lenders they use. The lenders gave out loans to people who couldn't afford to pay them back. These parasites know that and fudged my figures and I was given 2 loans,and I'm outta pocket big time. Spread the word and avoid these pricks.
rating 1/5 Date: 07/02/2019
People being ripped off buying overpriced Queensland real estate is nothing new. These people are just more of the same. Read all reviews on this company and others like them. Bottom line, steer clear of premium private wealth.
rating 1/5 Date: 05/02/2019
Now that Mortgage Brokers will no longer be able to get commissions from banks and lenders, that should put these pricks out of business for good and save so many unsuspecting people of being conned and ripped off. Well done to the head of the Royal Commission. Hope these bastards end up on he dole que coz that's where they belong.
rating 1/5 Date: 31/01/2019
Hopefully the royal commission into banking and the fact that banks have now tightened up lending will put these slimebags out of business as people wont be able to obtain finance for the worthless realestate these pricks sell.
rating 1/5 Date: 30/01/2019
This company was previously trading as Premium Finance then changed its name, same animal just different spots. Dont waste your time or effort as they will try to flog you worthless SE QLD realestate that no one else wants at greatly inflated prices. Save your money and get real financial advice from professionals and not real estate conmen.
rating 1/5 Date: 28/01/2019
Im so glad I've done my research on this company and thanks to everyone with their honest reviews, I'll be avoiding them as well.
rating 1/5 Date: 28/01/2019
I went to a meeting after being cold called just to Suss these people out after reading some previous reviews, usual story trying to sell Queensland units. I checked the figures against other lenders than the companies they use and found I could get better interest rates with the big banks. Never believe what they tell you, it all sounds good but they are making money from the more expensive lenders and when I checked the prices of the realestate they they were selling I could pick up much cheaper properties in the same suburbs they were pushing. Bottom line I told them I could do better doing all this myself wit hoy being slugged $6k for a client for life fee. When I asked what I'd get for my $6 k, I was told my investment would be managed ??? But they didn't give specifics. Don't waste your time with this company.
rating 1/5 Date: 23/01/2019
After dealing with this company I can only agree with the other comments below. I was ripped off by their Client for life fee. What did I get for it????? Absolutely nothing. These people will rip off the wrong person one day.
rating 1/5 Date: 15/01/2019
Make no mistake, slimey mortgage brokers / real estate agents working on behalf of property developers. They have no interest in helping you create any wealth. Their only interest is to get you signed up to under performing over valued properties.
rating 1/5 Date: 10/01/2019
Liars and deceivers, avoid at all costs
rating 1/5 Date: 09/01/2019
I was a customer of Premium and I paid $6000 to be a client for life. All that got me was a generic Christmas card each year and a call from their pushy sales staff trying to get me to buy yet another property and always after tax time. What a conn job I was handed. Do yourself a favour if you get cold called by these people HANG UP. Don't go near them
rating 1/5 Date: 06/01/2019
The crashing real estate market will kill a lot of small time investors who bought overpriced SE Qld properties from these people. Their properties were well overpriced on market values and I foresee a lot of people struggling to get their money back let alone make any capital gain on their so called investment. As for the guy who claims he bought 4 properties thru these conn artists...................yeah right!!!!! you are so full of it. What part of this company do you work in?????
rating 1/5 Date: 27/12/2018
The paragraph above under the heading Financial Planner, stating that Private Wealth investors know the advantages of Queensland property investments is a blatant lie. I bought a unit in a development sold to me by Premium Private Wealth in Queensland. I lost a fortune on it. Looking back, it was overpriced by at least $50 K. I know other people in the same development who cant sell their so called investment properties, (more like a black hole that you throw money down) for anywhere near what they paid for them in 2010. The above post dated 4/2/17 stating that they bought 4 properties from them and securing a retirement isn't believable either when all the other reviews are stating what I'm saying. Basically we got conned by these people. I would not recommend anyone deal with this company, go to a reputable mortgage broker and do your homework on investments but most of all DO NOT buy in Queensland. Melbourne is the safe play for property. Actually, you are better off putting your money into super and steering clear of these people all together.
rating 1/5 Date: 02/11/2018
More and more reviews of people being ripped off by these scammers and costing the financial futures of innocent people. Maybe the Federal and State Governments should commence a Royal Commission into this company and others like it. Laws making prospective purchasers obtain independent legal and financial advice before they can sign up is needed here, That would put these scammers out of business overnite. Maybe a movement needs to be started here before others are ripped off.
rating 1/5 Date: 02/09/2018
Do not have anything to do with these scammers. I was suckered into buying an overpriced piece of crap realestate on the Sunshine Coast from these turds and 8 years on had to sell for a massive loss. When you question them as to why your so called investment has gone backwards they have no answers and eventually ignore you and stop returning your calls, whoever wrote the review that stated they bought 4 properties from and are kicking goals are obviously working for these scum. Do not waste your time and money dealing with premium and do not buy property in Queensland unless you want to throw your hard earned money away. Avoid premium at all costs.
rating 1/5 Date: 22/08/2018
Promised the earth and delivered NOTHING. They are basically real estate agents, posing as investment agents. We paid a "client for life" fee of $6000 (didn't get a cent worth of advice... they dont get back to you) and got completely ripped off, buying a Brisbane property off the plan. After 3 years, it still isn't worth anywhere NEAR what we paid for it. In spite of them telling us we would break even, the property is costing us $9000 a year... money down a drain. Do not, do NOT, DO NOT...
rating 1/5 Date: 21/03/2017
Promise to guide you into creating a nest seem the only nest egg they are creating is their own. Yes, they took our money and have delivered absolutely NOTHING!!!!! This group are nothing short of rip off artists. The last visit we got was earlier this year, he left our home with "I will call you next week". That was in Janauary, heard NOTHING again.
rating 5/5 Date: 04/02/2017
First, all you pussies who didn't have the balls to even go and talk with them. Don't bother commenting you have NFI what you are talking about. Myself and my wife have bought 4 properties thru them and have saved tax, are rapidly paying off our home and securing a comfortable retirement. What this tool is suggesting about losing $160k is impossible. What a dick. The worst thing is you are stopping people from helping themselves you irresponsible worm
rating 1/5 Date: 19/01/2016
These guys are dodgy have ripped me off over 160K do not fall for their manipulative tactics.

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