Safe Side Pre Purchase Property Inspections

4/24 Simcock Street, Somerville, VIC 3912

We are a specialist pre-purchase inspection company based in the Melbourne area servicing all Melbourne metropolitan and country areas. 

With an experienced team of licensed inspectors, Safe Side Pre Purchase will deliver you peace of mind during the sale process.Before you invest thousands, be on the safe side  - discover how to be absolutely certain within 24 hours that your future investment is structurally sound and termite free.

We provide our clients the information they need to make an informed decision about the home being inspected in a clear, concise, professional manner. For your convenience, we also e-mail the report directly to you with all reports issued within 24 hours. 

Our company takes pride in providing you with an effective and professional job every time. With years of experience and education, along with on-going training in modern technology, we are able to provide you with the best possible inspection findings and advice.

Day to day commitments can make it hard to do business out of normal office hours. That’s why at Safe Side Pre-Purchase Property Inspections we’re open from 7am - 7pm 7 days a week.  So at the end of your busy day – we’re still here for you.

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