Dello Mano
Dello Mano is a family owned Brisbane based business. Founders Deb and Bien Peralta pioneered the Australian Brownie market, creating a unque and unsurpassed Luxury Brownie Gift Box. Since launching in 2006, Dello Mano brownies have been enjoyed by Hollywood Celebrities, World Leaders ( The official G20 Delegate Gift - Brisbane Summit) and Brownie afficianados everywhere. The Dello Mano Luxury Gift box has become a well recognised and coveted gift for both personal and corporate occasions. Today, the business offers their now world famous Brownies, a range of premium unique cakes and celebration cakes and a range of handmade delicious food. High Teas are offered most days with a booking providing a wonderful Brisbane experience. Set in the beautiful Heritage Listed Tattersalls Arcade, just off the Queen St. Mall the Dello Mano cafe offers coffee, sweet treats and light savoury foods.
Dello Mano is a small family owned business that dreams of nurturing and protecting the ever diminishing market place of handmade beautiful food.
The founders Deb & Bien Peralta can be contacted on