PRS Biosciences

Station Close, Potters Bar EN6 1TL, United Kingdom, Potters Bar, EN6 1T
PRS Biosciences

We specialize in technology for Time-Gated Imaging of Long-Lifetime Fluorescent and Phosphorescent Probes. Examples of Long-Lifetime Probes include:

 > Europium & Terbium Compounds
 > Luminescent O2 and Temp Sensors
 > Quantum Dots
 > Inorganic Crystalline Phosphors
 > Upconverting Phosphors

Our Imagex™-TGi and Imagex™-nanoCCD cooled CCD Cameras are complete ‘Turnkey’ Time-Gated Imaging systems with integrated programmable Lamp Pulse, Gate Delay and Gate Width generators all accessible from a simple but comprehensive Windows application or using the user library with a 3rd Party Development system such as LabView™ or Visual Studio™.

Station Close, Potters Bar EN6 1TL, United Kingdom


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