Founded in 1949, Bayern 1 is a German public radio station operated by the Bayerische Rundfunk. As of February 2017, it is the most popular station in Bavaria with an estimated audience of 3,03 million listeners. This radio station broadcasts in most of Bavaria, except for the north and the south. A digital signal, dubbed DAB+, is also transmitted from Rundfunk-Anstalt Sudtirol in South Tyrol.
Aside from football matches and other sporting events, Bayern 1 also dispenses regional news during the day and night. There are 6 regions that receive these news bulletins: Lower Bavaria, Upper Bavaria, Lower Austria, Upper Austria, and the state of Bayern. The most recent news stories are reported from each region.
The station's web page is a good place to find out which presenters will be making your day. If you're not in the area, you can check out Bayern's Facebook page, and you can even get an overview of the programs on air.
The station's newest offering is its newest incarnation, the BR Heimat, which started a couple of months ago. For fans of the Bundesliga, this may be the best way to spend your night besides watching the game itself. Its full programme is unmoderated, and you can catch it on DAB+ in South Tyrol. Despite the name, it's not a retransmitter. In fact, it is the first German station to operate in this region. To date, it has garnered the best reputation amongst the competition.
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