Kitchen Decor & Hi Lite Bathrooms

19 A Adrian St, Welshpool, WA 6106
(08) 93611733
Craig Stephenson

Kitchen Decor & Hi Lite Bathrooms, is a leading name in Kitchen and Bathroom Renovations offering both functional and aesthetic transformation. We specialise in not only creating beautiful kitchens and bathrooms but also offering comprehensive Interior Design and Home Improvement services. 
Our team of professionals is adept at handling both Residential and Commercial Renovations, catering to both individual homeowners and large corporations. Our services include everything from designing, renovating, and remodelling kitchens and bathrooms to improving your overall home interiors. We're known for our unique designs, quality workmanship, and strong commitment to customer satisfaction. 
Experience the difference with Kitchen Decor & Hi Lite Bathrooms' personalised approach and explore our wide array of services. Contact Kitchen Decor & Hi Lite Bathrooms for your renovation needs. Experience our personalised and customer-centric approach.

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