Ultimate Muscle Black Edition When in perfect health, the device is also good for improving the general health of the body by promoting blood circulation and helping muscles to relax. Muscles tend to tighten when an individual is under stress. And stress can be caused by work related problems. When stimulated, the muscles loosen up, and tension is released. Ultimate Muscle Black Edition The individual will also be able to sleep better at night! id you know there's a totally natural way to burn way more calories than you already are without moving? Does that sound unbelievable? Well it's possible and it's called muscle.Muscle is a tissue, but it's also metabolically active - meaning you burn about 14 calories each day for every pound of muscle on your body. Meanwhile, fat burns only about 3-5 calories a day and that's a big difference. Basically, the more muscle you build, the more calories you'll burn, the more fat you'll lose and the more likely it will stay off for the long term.