weight loss
something a little time so it in some water also said to be we’ll never
get to a high temperature and the only to traditional I know are used to any
and are tropical oils like palm oil or coconut oil which are cold-pressed not
he did during the extraction process and manners extra virgin olive oil there's
native societies you love without becoming overweight but they’re getting
totally different type things like fresh ups which are lightly roasted or all
home things like dairy which haven’t been marginalized haven't been pasteurized
and/or organic not conventional dairy products or organic meats so that we need
in almost all cases are completely unnatural types prepared and completely
unnatural ways next is the carbohydrates and again completely unnatural most
for carbohydrates current Irish things like sugar and high fructose corn syrup
can go into the whole host of problems caused by Others natural sweeteners but
to the main issues are that they have no enzymes and no finer whereas almost
all natural sweeteners that I know love a high degree of fiber and are very
high and enzymes as well as being high in anti-oxidants things like raw honey
or drive through raisins or dates that been sun-dried not up and ride the way
we do in modern society behind times and high in fiber and is but load on your
pancreas almost certainly would cut down on the to make diabetes we have a
longer obesity even the complex characterswieder fairly different from what
people in other countries are white flowers and be over processed very low in
nutrients for number reasons so it might never recover hundreds that shouldn't
be a surprise that the proteins we are often very unnatural as well but this
time the effect is relatively unstudied and much more subtle and unknown we
feel love substance animals