Keryn Lee Healing - Theta Healing, Energy Healing, Access Bars

1/1303 North East Road, Tea Tree Gully, SA 5091
0408 857 620
Keryn Lee

Did You Know? Healing Sessions with Keryn can help you: Clear and balance your energy, Quickly release specific blocks and patterns that cause dis-ease and dis-harmony, Improve your Intuitive and Psychic abilities (or any other skills you desire) fast!, Gain the confidence and clarity to move forward in your life and Achieve a deep level of healing - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Keryn also offers a variety of classes, workshops, talks, expos and events at various locations. She is available for public speaking events on request. If you would like to know more about how I work and whether this type of healing would suit you please feel free to contact me.

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