The light acupuncture centre
This gentle non-invasive form of acupuncture you'll be happy to hear is relaxing, nourishing and very enjoyable. TJM is a preventative medicine.
Nadja promotes preventative medicine to keep the problems at bay.
By recieving regular treatment and making life style changes acupuncture keeps you well so you can enjoy life to the fullest.
Nadja treats aches and pains, from arthritise to digestive issues.
She specialises in pregnancy health, labour and post partum recovery.
Nadja is the only acupuncturist on the Sunshine Coast who is able to provide acupuncture for pain relief during labour at the Sunshine Coast Private Hospital,giving Sunshine Coast women the choice and opportunity to have a drug free labour.
Pregnancy is a natural process of life. It is not an illness. For over 3000 years traditional medicine has treated women during pregnancy. Today an increase in demand means qualified acupuncturist’s around the world use traditional medicine to treat women during pregnancy, child -birth and in postnatal recovery.
A woman’s body at these phases may require support to prevent ill heath and treat normal physiological responses to the way the body must adapt to accommodate the growing child.
TJM treats holistically rather than symptomatically. The philosophy of TJM is to encompass the persons mind, body and spirit, treating the individual holistically. The good news is that acupuncture is very effective and a safe treatment for the unborn child.
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