XYZ Accounting

PO Box 3257, Norwood, SA 5067
Benjamin Seeger

XYZ Accounting is a registered tax agent and CPA accounting firm. XYZ Accounting is an online tax agent and small business partner for Australian taxpayers all over the country. We provide the following online services: - Individual tax returns - Sole trader tax returns - Company tax returns - Partnerships tax returns - Trust tax returns - BAS and IAS - Superannuation refunds We also provide the following ASIC Company Secretarial services: - Change of Company Name - Company Searches - Convert Company Type - Reservation of a Company name - Voluntary Company Deregistration - ABN/ TFN for companies, partnerships and trusts - New Business Setup for companies, trusts, partnerships and sole traders We are a Xero Certified Advisor. We provide a range of bookkeeping solutions for small businesses, providing up to date, real-time information of bank account reconciliations, accounts payable and receivable, and payroll solutions. We are a growing registered tax agent and public accounting practice. We have reduced operating costs, and are able to offer competitive services at an affordable price. XYZ Accounting is dedicated to tax advice and accounting solutions for our clients’ needs. Our services are prepared by registered tax agent, CPA, and accounting degree qualified staff. Our mission is to provide superior professional services by transparent competitive prices.

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