weight loss fitness
you now to find I let myself go on key whatever I wanted when I want to so there was a sense of freedom for a little bit but very quickly I became lethargic the other half the story is what I went through mentally emotionally so I hope I can share with you what I learned thesis just the one your diet that you're going to be on this is going to set you up for the rest your life if you can truly embrace this lifestyle change so that's what Chris is here for like shaker dollar there I yeah let's go and get started to come one wheelchair they're like home gym I I'm a very lucky girl to have Chris Powell Andrew Manning in my house I mean there like 20 the most gorgeous guys ever while see want to as the lead Chris let me ask me to list the I really think that my story fires he live in this house last hour reason more than anything I wanted to listen to take away from her experience withdrew the fact that this journey is it's not just the physical aspect weight loss it's so emotional 5 for 3 to have was able to document my whole journey on their website so people could connect see wet winter I want people to see how a change that is physically but also mentally emotionally so skin tissue week that week see with the diets me and how to change so quickly see the apt already the man boobs are grow yeah my just share six months he's yeah did you work out all no excess no exercise before six months and then you can see how diet and exercise that I did changed and its star myself I think on some crazy extreme diet I'm just simple small changes made the biggest difference and that's that can be the key success for us. small changes great things can come about us happened you soffits that.