NewYork, NewYork, 10012
321-196-6001 x4
Gabriella aja

you start with your feet together they’re going to bring 100 let's go to the left heel preaches up towards that foot up to that loll bring it back together and out wide for three switch it up go one together to out like three beautiful under together out why and these are getting the Opelika you ever going to feel like two years back beautiful wine to 3 awesome let's get one more one to 3 and relax and now it's good because you’re getting all different angle to the torso the trunk yes can feel everything okay now let’s flip it over we're going to go into a reverse play so for this is my favorite foodie burner hamstrings and gluts hands behind the shoulders press to the heels squeeze they have up towards the sky and lower down press to your. 

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