ALS Automotive

169 Gladstone Street, South Melbourne, VIC 3205
Tony Sanchez

OurAuto is a professional commercial business offering products and services which are designed to help protect, inform and grow Australian automotive businesses. Our products include digital services such as website design, SEO, video and other design services, Tech-Centre, Australia’s most comprehensive automotive technical information resource, istore, an online store comprising of workshop stationery and consumables and insurance, providing customers with business and domestic insurance products tailored to suit your needs. Call 1300 687 288 today! ALS Automotive was established by Tony Sanchez in 1979 and has been located in South Melbourne ever since. We specialise in servicing and maintaining european prestige vehicles but also service and maintain all other makes and models. We also perform work for the automotive industry around Victoria, as we are well known for our knowledge, experience, tools and equipment.

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