Guitar World - Musicians Universe

2/319 Pinjarra Rd, Mandurah, WA 6210
(08) 9358 6665
(08) 9358 4221

Musicians Universe are located in Cannington, Perth & Rockingham, Perth WA (Western Australia) specialising in online sales of Keyboards,  Drums, Amps, Guitars, Condenser Microphones, Wireless Microphones, Tube Amplifiers and More.

Online Music Store out of Perth, Western Australia

Musician (n) "player of music for love, kicks and (sometimes) money"
Universe (n) "the collection of all known objects"

OK, we might not stock all known objects, but we come pretty close. Think of Musician’s Universe as a drum shop, keyboard store, hangout for guitar heroes, house of recording technology and one-stop music accessories shop. All our staff are musos, and there’s always someone around to talk to or email you about electric guitars, acoustic guitars, amplifiers and effects, keyboards, percussion and everything tech. So whatever you play and however you play it in Perth, WA and now Australia (that’s right - buy it online and we’ll ship it to you), at least you know the Universe is looking after you.

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