Better Funerals

Sunshine Coast Mc, QLD 4567
0438 919 759
Jay Flood

Better Funerals is passionate about creating funeral events that are as individual and unique as the loved one you are farewelling.

Traditional funerals can often feel rushed or impersonal, with the location not really reflective of the way of life of the person who has left us.

In truth, a funeral or farewell service can be anything you want it to be and most importantly, should provide an opportunity to say goodbye in a place or in a way that enables you to feel connected to the person you’ve lost.

Better Funerals is here to make that happen. Whether it be formal or informal, conventional or not, held at the beach, at home, on a farm or at the club, our bespoke funerals and memorial services are designed to be truly authentic and true to the life of the departed.

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