Methenolone Acetate Hormone Cutting Cycle Steroids Raw Powder Primobolan


Methenolone Acetate Hormone Cutting Cycle Steroids Raw Powder Primobolan

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Primobolan is one of the few steroids that can regularly be found in both oral and injectable forms; Methenolone-Enanthate being the injectable and Methenolone-Acetate the oral. Primobolan is one of the safer steroids we can use in-terms of side-effects.

Primobolan is a DHT based steroid (Dihydrotestosterone) that possesses both anabolic and androgenic traits

Other name: Primobolan; Methenolone Acetate; Anabolic Hormones; Anabolin; Anabolic Steroids; Steroid Powder; Hormone Powders; Bodybuilding; Raw Powder; Muscle Building
CAS No.:434-05-9
Density: 1.1g/cm3
Appearance: White or off-white crystalline powder
Assay: 99%
Quality Specification: Enterprise Standard
Package: 1kg/foil bag or as required

Uses: Primobolan is a good base compound in a stack and can produce results just slightly below that of nandrolone and is best used in a cutting stack. Because Primobolan doesn't aromatize, there is no use for Clomid or Nolvadex.

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