CLS Chinese Language Tutors/ Translators

All Sydney to Central Coast, Sydney, NSW 2000
0406 319 288
Rose Xu

A leading Chinese Language Services Company Since 2004

Chinese Language and culture Training / Tutors
Chinese Translators / business cards /brochures/documents/user's guide/ web site

CLS (Chinese Language Services) is a leading Chinese / English language training company in Sydney since 2004, we meet all your language needs. We provide well qualified and experienced tutors for Chinese Mandarin / English lessons at a convenient time and place. If you need help with learning Chinese Mandarin / English at any levels for any purposes, our private tuition on 1 on 1 basis or office group training is clearly the most effective way of learning for you.

CLS (Chinese Language Services) well established programs greatly increase your learning confidence and our professional tutors pay full attention to your individual learning needs. Our extra focus provides the differential for your learning success.

Why Private Tutors
Private tuition has a lot more to offer. There is a proven record of helping people to get on with what they are learning, no matter you are a beginner or you have done some lessons with others before. Our professions will design a course that fit your needs whether an individual or a group, we come to you to suit your busy life and work schedule. Improving your Chinese / English will assist you in making a difference when dealing with China business partners, travelling to China or at work especially in the current job market and we can also assist in catching up with any course work or self study.

 Why CLS Chinese Language Services

Our well qualified and experienced tutors have been teaching Chinese / English at TAFEs and universities for many years. Many learners have shared the learning benefits from us. We set up the learning environment and help to stretch your understanding of the language further. Your time is important, we save your time and effort. Let us do it for you, just sit down, relax and enjoy your new language learning experience.

Chinese Mandarin lessons

Our private Chinese Mandarin lesson is one of our well established programs with many busy people having success with our program. Chinese Mandarin lessons cover a wide range of proficiency levels and learning purposes.

 Well qualified and experienced tutors

Our private tutors have teaching qualifications and we are native speakers in the language we tutor. We teach vocabulary, grammar, we increase your reading and writing skill levels and improve your pronunciation. We also help with your assignments and correcting translation. (Academic & General).

Please see an article about our in office Chinese language tutor project on an national magazine.

Chinese Cultural and Business Relationship Training

We provide qualified and experienced Chinese culture consultants, business relationship training. We having worked for many Chinese and Australian government and trade delegations and companies, we have hold Chinese language and cultural workshops in CBD and North West area.

Understanding the Chinese model of thoughts and behavioral patterns is very important for business people wanting to establish trade relationships. We can help you to get the skills you need to make all your business transactions smooth.

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