
32 merry town, NC, 25701

12 Weight Loss Tips To Promote Your Health

1. Start with a goal. Determine what you feel would be your ideal weight. Now set a goal, writing it down plain to see. Write out a plan figure an average of 1 - 3 pounds per week. Set the date. Healthy body fat percentages are around 16% for females and 9% for males.

2. Always eat breakfast. Many people skip breakfast, others eat crap for breakfast. Try slowly bringing in your favorite foods for breakfast. If you are not eating breakfast now, make it a priority, it takes about 3 weeks to get used to a new habit. After that point, you will look forward to eating breakfast. For real weight loss; make breakfast your largest meal of the day. This will take cause your body to boost its metabolism early in the day so you can start burning those fat cells. Then make a point to eat less in the evening when your metabolism slows down. Larger meals eaten later in the day are more likely to be stored as fat due to your body's slower metabolic rate.

3. Chew your food slowly and more times. This will cause you to eat less and make you feel full faster. Stop eating when you feel comfortable, never stuff yourself

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